Thursday, November 04, 2004

I am the cleaning guru

Yes, I am the cleaning guru. Haha.

I finally mustered enough industry yesterday to clean up my room. After a month of living like the word order didn’t exist, my room is now squeaky-clean. Harhar.. Yep, I meticulously sweeped the floor, arranged the clothes in my cabinet, as well as all my books and hand-outs (hardest task, I tell you), wiped the windows, mirror, cabinets, chairs, table, doors and walls with a wet washcloth followed by a dry cloth, and repositioned the bed. I also planned on waxing the floor, but finding myself still waist-deep in old transcriptions, I changed my mind. The floor is still too shiny for waxing anyway. That’s rationalization for you! Hehe

My room has now much more space, which is good because I have now a space where I can just vegge-out (not sure about the spelling though). Vegge-out = be still like a vegetable, lay like broccoli. Word courtesy of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. :)

I need a few more decorating bits and pieces to complete the look I want, and a carpet tops the list. No, not a carpet carpet. A Winnie the Pooh carpet. It’s much cheaper, and.. what else? I love Pooh. :) I originally wanted to have a corner with an Oriental look, but I decided to do away with it because I couldn’t find a store that sells my much-wanted triangle pillow thai cushion. Any of you know where I can get one? I’d still buy one if it’s sold here in the Philippines..

To make my cleaning skills seem more dramatic, I’ve decided to post pictures of my room before and after I cleaned it, ala reality show. Think “How clean is your house?”




My bed's new position: by the window. Thanks for the kind words kanina Gingi... Manakot ba??! hehe :P

My vegge-out stuff! My big, black bean bag, and yes, that's a beach chair. Masarap upuan eh. Right, Mitzi? :) I still have to arrange this though. This is my future vegge-out spot. :)

O db, O.A.? Hehe. Okay my room is nothing worth of your “Ooohs” and “Aaahs”. But I’m just excited about it because like I said, it’s my first time to have a room of my own. And I am proud of myself because I was able to clean it! Weeee!!! I mean, how many of you look forward to cleaning up a messy room?

Next stop, my laptop. I believe this is harder to clean than my room..

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