Friday, October 15, 2004

What can you do in 4 months?

What can you do in 4 months?

In 4 months, you can redecorate your room, you can plan an out-of-town trip with your friends, you can save money to buy new shoes, or clothes, or perfume, you can go on vacation, you can learn to play the piano, you can meet lots of new friends, you can go on a diet and lose weight, you can wait for a movie to come out in theaters, and so on and so on.

You can do a lot in 4 months. But you can't do all you want to do in just 4 months.

What if 4 months is all you have left?

Just this afternoon my father told me news about my Tito Rey. Some devastating news. His wife, my Tita Ninia, was told by the doctor that Tito Rey had only about 4 months left to live. I don't know if my Tito knows about it, but I'm sure with the pain he's feeling right now, he knows he hasn't much time left.

I didn't know what to say. How do you react to news that your uncle has only 4 months left to live?

A few minutes of a blank mind, then a sudden flooding of questions. Why him? Why does it have to be him? There are lots of people in the world with evil souls, why not them? Why cancer?

Why him?

He's a good man. He didn't commit any evil crime. He has never done any harm to anyone.

He's got a wife and two kids. Two young kids. The youngest hasn't even started school.

Although my Tito and I are not really close, it hurts to know that someone in your family is again losing the battle against cancer... I thought and honestly prayed to God that my nanay be the last person in our family to have cancer.

I guess God has other plans.

I want to believe that my Tito Rey will be fine. I want to believe that one day before that "taning" is up, he will wake up to find that he's okay. He's healed.

But being a medical student won't allow me to stick with that hope. It sucks to know what liver cancer is all about, what functions the liver has, what can happen to a person when this valuable organ fails.

For now, there's only one thing left: a miracle.

I believe in miracles. I have heard of stories of people being healed from their diseases. I have heard of people whose tumors have disappeared miraculously just as they are about to enter the operating room for the tumor's excision. I pray that God give my Tito a miracle. Because that's all we have left, that's all he has left.

Four months.

For well people like us, it's just a small piece of time in our lives. It's enough time to have fun.

But for people like my Tito Rey, it's the longest time that he can spend with his family. Para sa Tito ko, yun na ang buhay nya.

Please, help me pray for him.

*EDIT* I have another lola who also has cancer. She's had it for a long time, but now it's out of control too. My tatay just told me that from the looks of it, she hasn't much time left too. Her heart is also affected.

Everyone please help me pray for my relatives. And for our family too. That this cancer will just end...

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